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My Pronouns Page

NSFW Twitter (18+ only)


- I'm a 23 year old transfem nonbinary neogirl named Angela who lives in Maryland. I'm a hypersexual, demisexual, & polyamorous pan lesbian (pansexual lesbiromantic!) + I have ADHD and autism.
NOTE: I'm still a girl! Just because I'm nonbinary doesn't mean I'm not a girl.
- My pronouns are she/her/pony! And if we're friends/mutuals, you can also use it/its for me as well!
- You can find a more comprehensive list of my pronouns and terms I'm comfortable with here.
- I'm also a ponykin equaritan! I love it when people refer to me as a pony.
- I'm an inclusionist. I support mspec lesbians, xenogenders, neopronouns, etc. However, I do not support any identities that glorify harmful subjects such as rape, stalking, torture, child abuse, bestiality, nazism, etc.

What I post:

- I primarily talk about queer activism and especially trans activism. I also talk about discrimination within the queer community and I engage in discourse.
- I also post about games I like and games I've made. I'm currently working on a game called Las Canvas! You can see more about that in the games section.

Do Not Follow Or DM:

- TERF, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-BLM, anti-leftism, ableist, anti-polyamory, anti-furry, etc
- exclusionist (anti-neopronouns, anti-xenogenders, anti-mspec lesbians, anti-ace/aro, anti-otherkin, etc)
- think pronouns must always correspond with gender
- think nonbinary people can't identify as binary genders in a nonbinary way
- transmed/truscum
- sysmed/anti-endo systems
- anti-abortion / ""pro-life""
- support the Israeli government
- support the Russian government
- support the Chinese government
- support the American government (especially if you call yourself a "patriot")
- "Marxist-Leninist," "Maoist," or any other kind of authoritarian/statist ""leftist""
- republican or right-wing in general
Additionally, I will not respond to dms that just say "Hi" or something similar


I have my own custom species of pony called Equaritans!
If you'd like to learn more, please visit the link below.

- I love to commission both SFW and NSFW art of my oc, Roosie! She's the gal you can see in my profile pic.
- If for whatever reason you'd like to draw me fanart, go ahead! But please no hard gore, pedophilia, or bestiality. (Candy gore is acceptable.)
- All of my art is posted on my refsheet page. (Or at least it will once my forgetful ass remembers to post everything there.) Be warned! Some of the content on this page is NSFW, though it is censored until you click on it or verify that you are 18 or older.

Some of my favorites:

Refsheets and Cutiemark:

I also have an NSFW Twitter account, which you can find here.Please do not follow if you are under 18!


Games I play:

- My favorite games are The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Space Engineers, Minecraft, Robocraft, Stardew Valley, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, and Enter the Gungeon.
- If I post about games I've played, it will probably be about stuff I've made in some of those games. Sandbox and survival games are what I tweet about most often; those are my favorites!

Games I create:

Clicking on the images will take you to each game's respective twitter hashtag.

This is a turn-based RPG adventure game inspired by the Mario & Luigi series that takes place inside a huge casino. Various parts of the casino contain portals to other worlds, with a variety of relevant themes. My most ambitious project yet!


- I am in the libertarian left quadrant of the political compass. I am most fundamentally an anti-capitalist; almost any kind of societal shift to the left is favorable to me, with the exception being authoritarianism.
- The most accurate descriptor for the kind of society I would like to achieve in the near future is Libertarian Socialism. Workers having democratic control over the workplace is the most important factor to me.
- Like most other socialists, my end goal is a classless, moneyless, stateless society. AKA, communism. Fully Automated Luxury Communism (FALC) is the ideal future. I estimate this future will be realistically achievable in around maybe 150 years, assuming that socialism will be adopted by America sometime within the next few decades.
- If any of these statements alarm you, allow me to calm you down a bit. I'm not a Stalinist. I'm not a genocide denier. Past attempts at socialism were needlessly authoritarian. It doesn't need to be that way this time around.
Imagine this:
- Instead of your boss being able to fire you for any reason, completely trashing your source of income, your boss can only fire you if the majority of your coworkers agree that you suck.
- If you DO get fired, don't worry about needing that income. There are easily enough available resources in this country to provide you with clean food, water, and shelter.
- Let's just get rid of money in general, at least as we currently know it. The only thing that should ever earn you any 'currency' is direct labor. This type of currency is known as "labor vouchers" and it's only useful for buying luxuries; AKA, things that are not necessary for survival, such as video games, art, television, etc.
- On top of that, you can vote on who your boss is. Your boss is no longer appointed by a higher-up; YOU can vote on who in your workplace best represents the interests of the workers. You get a direct say over it. In fact, you should only ever have a boss if your coworkers agree that having a boss is necessary in the first place.
- Direct voting is the name of the game. No longer are congresspeople the only ones who can vote on bills to pass into law. Get rid of congress, actually. Get rid of the national government in general. On as massive a scale as a country like America, a national government can't possibly ever compensate for everyone. Communities should govern themselves and act as their own communes. Only then can everyone's needs be met.
Sounds nice, doesn't it?

Side effects may include better workplace conditions, minimal pollution, a more humane meat industry, LGBTQ+ equality, racial equality, sex equality, free healthcare, political parties being replaced with trade unions, and minority councils in the communal governments to give adequate representation to minority groups such as BIPOC, LGBTQ+ groups, and disabled people.

Blocking Policy:

- I hardly ever block anyone that argues in good faith. If you disagree with something I've said, I will usually be open to discussing it respectfully.
- The only time I will block someone who argues in good faith is if that person's morals are so fundamentally different from mine that we couldn't possibly ever get along.
- In Layman's terms, I don't block people for disagreeing with me, I block people for being an asshole.